The Tortured is a 2010 mystery horror-thriller film directed by Robert Lieberman and written by Marek Posival. The film tells the story of a couple whose life is broken when a serial
killer kidnaps, tortures and kills their only son. The wife blames her
husband. In order to obtain revenge, the couple kidnap and torture the
serial killer.
Director: Robert Lieberman
Writer: Marek Posival
Stars: Erika Christensen, Jesse Metcalfe and Bill Lippincott
Craig and Elise had all the ingredients for an ideal life: a great
marriage, a wonderful five-year-old son, a charming home and a bright
future. Then, on one sunny day, their perfect world is irrevocably
shattered . Leaving their five year old son, Ben, alone for only a
moment, Craig is horrified to see him being abducted from their own
front yard. Sadly, the desperate police search for the kidnapper proves
to be in vain when the child is found dead. Months later, a chance tip
leads police to the
suspect's door, catching him red-handed with another victim. Although
Ben's murderer is soon brought to trial, the grieving parents are
stunned when his sentence is considerably reduced by a plea bargain.
Together they decide to seek their own retribution, hatching a plot to
kidnap the man and subject him to the same monstrous acts he
perpetrated against their helpless son.